------------------------------------------ Things to do at least once in a lifetime! [-] 3D print [-] Attend a KKB concert [-] Attend a conference [-] Attend one of the Olympics [-] Become financially independent [-] Build a custom PC [-] Build a snowman [-] Build an indie web browser not built on Chromium/WebKit/Gecko [-] Build an off-grid sustainable house [-] Contribute to KDE and libre software [-] Decode hardwarde / reverse engineer using assembly [-] Earn a scholarship [-] Freelance before graduating [-] Get a DSLR / mirrorless camera [-] Go go-karting [-] Go sailing [-] Install Gentoo [-] Interview RMS [-] Learn Latin — to know about words (etymology) [-] Learn R-lang [-] Learn to swim [-] Make popcorn from scratch [-] Participate in a mapathon [-] Pet an otter [-] Produce a documentary film [-] Produce my own music [-] Publish an F-Droid app [-] Rebuild my website [-] Teach physics & CS to build scientific temper [-] Travel with a stranger [-] Visit the Rain Vortex at Changi Airport, Singapore [x] Completely switch to RSS feeds [x] Document my life in a GitBook [x] Get a Dog [x] Get a PGP key [x] Give a talk [x] Help peopl learn about libre software / privacy [x] Help people in my matrix community [x] Join a webring [x] Learn from the best hackers (playfully clever people) in the realm of Computer Science [x] learn to drive a car [x] participate in a hackathon [x] self host services at home