Laws, sayings & mantras from the weirdest parts of my brain. Some of them - I'm still figuring out.
- You can not trust anyone or anything over the internet
- Privacy is proportional to Security, but is not the same
- Human knowledge should be free for anyone to build upon & share
- The only way you own your computer is when you run libre software on it
- Data once collected, can & will - be abused. Therefore don't give too much information
- Time is wealthy
- We are not living in a simulation
- English is a modern, global language that everyone should be able to interpret
- Learning atleast one foreign language is a must
- Web0 > Web3
- Cash > crypto, at local shops
- Cold showers unless you're sick
- Credit cards are a scam
- Wake up before your alarm preferably @ 05:30
- Don't sleep during the day [make use of sunlight]
- Treadmills, bench presses, gyms & artificial forms of indoor fitness is unhealthy
- Adults don't need 3 square meals a day. Assuming you don't sweat much (live a sedentary lifestyle). Get back to 2½ -> 3 meals once you get moving.
- Don't take supplements or energy drinks
- Don't smoke, drink, pollute or harm your body for temporary satisfaction. This includes social media, celebrity advice & other forms of spendthrift consumption
- State your biases & boundaries - separate advice from opinion
- People love honesty
- Be excellent to each other
- Help anyone in need but - don't spoonfeed
- Document & share everything you know
- Don't watch the news (TV)
alt link mirrored to my website