This is my first paragraph contents.
This is the second line.



H1 heading

H2 heading

H3 heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading
x2 3
  1. Do this first
  2. Do this next
  3. Do this at the end
Web technologies
This is the course with interesting topics like NodeJS and ReactJS
Data Science
This course gives a introduction to data science
Project Details
SL No Semester Title Team Member SRN Team Member Name
1 1 Calculator Using Python 120 Pranav
2 1 Library Management Using C 121 Vijay
3 2 Calculator Using C 122 Pooja
4 2 Library Management Using C 123 Ram
Project Details
SL No Semester Title Team Member
SRN Name
1 1 Calculator Using Python 120 Pranav
2 Library Management Using C 121 Vijay
3 2 Calculator Using C 122 Pooja
4 Library Management Using C 123 Ram
Tulips click here

This paragraph contains multiple spaces. And " & ' < and >

This paragraph contains multiple    spaces. And " & ' < and >