Hi. I'm Nathan 👋
A geeky student — interested in computers, minimalism, collaboration & the web. This is my ~/home on the internet. I love indie websites, this site is handcrafted in pure HTML+CSS.
I go by /polarhive on the internet. I blog about tech, free/libre software and minimalism. Check out my /wiki 🌱
🔗 linkstash
- /jukebox: Queue LastFM recommendations using: mpd, yt-dlp and Python
- /anna: blazing fast site-generator built part of AIEP
- /pasta: minimal pastebin: written in Go 🤌
- /wombat: Wikipedia crawler that helps visualize relationships between articles
- /py-typer: speedtyping-test written in python
- /psh: fancy POSIX like shell written in C
- /bullet: collate similar articles from various RSS feeds using cosine similarity
- /vulpes: privacy tweaks for Firefox
- /arceo: blocklist against social-media, entertainment & consumerism
- /dots: dotfiles I use on my machines
- /videos: I publish videos on PeerTube, LBRY and Youtube
- /ammachiskathas: Malayalam short-stories [an audiobook]