I’m back from the dungeons! I haven’t posted in ages

I haven’t blogged much this year. I just turned 18 a couple of days ago

walking with grandpa

Everything is back to normal, C0VID is a thing of the past. Practical exams, school work piling up, my final exams fast approaching — this year is going to be a huge turning point in my life. Times flies so fast, I’m officially an adult now!

I haven’t blogged much this year. Still using the same old excuse! - preparing for JEE. I hope I don’t have to bother about it after 3-4 months, when it finally gets over! I’ve to catch up with all the things I’ve missed out on, or probably move on for the better.

I am really grateful for everybody who had to play a huge role in shaping my life so far! To family, friends & everyone reading this — thank you for your wishes, I cherish our time together.