UE23CS241A: Web Technologies

Web Technologies course demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the technologies necessary for designing and developing a rich web application in an efficient way.

Course Objectives:

  • Basic web technologies and building blocks of a website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Advanced JavaScript
  • The core concepts of HTML5, JQuery and AJAX, MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS) stack and build an UI of the application using React JS.
  • Building a multi-tier application by interfacing UI to NodeJS
  • Integrate database MongoDB through Express JS Framework and Web services.

Course Outcomes:

  • Understand basic web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Achieve rich user experience by implementing HTML5 features and Asynchronous communication using AJAX, JQuery and MERN stack layers (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS) and Create rich User Interface using React JS.
  • Understand and Integrate the UI with NodeJS
  • Create RESTful Web services using ExpressJS and MongoDB database

Course Contents:

U1: HTML, CSS and Client Side Scripting

Introduction to Web Architecture and Web protocols (HTTP Request Response Formats, URLs), Basic Mark-ups & syntax, HTML elements & attributes, Web Form, HTML5 (New Tags, Inputs, Elements and Controls), CSS3.0 - Styles and Style sheets, Selectors, Style properties, Box Model, JavaScript Basics(variables, scope, Builtin Objects), JavaScript objects and Prototypal Inheritance, DOM Manipulations, Events and Event Handling in JavaScript

U2: HTML5, JQuery and Ajax

HTML5 (APIs), JQuery Introduction, Callbacks and Promises, Introduction to Single Page Application, XML Vs JSON, Asynchronous Communication using AJAX and fetch API. ReactJS – MERN Introduction, React Classes and Components, JSX, Rendering of elements

Unit 3: ReactJS & NodeJS

ReactJS - Properties, State, Context, Component lifecycle methods, Refs & Keys, Event Handling, Stateless components. React Hook NodeJS – Understanding Node JS Architecture, Set up Node JS app, Node Modules, call-backs, buffers, streams, File system Module, HTTP Module, Handling HTTP Requests

Unit 4: MongoDB

MongoDB-Documents, Collections, Reading and Writing to MongoDB, MongoDB NodeJS Driver, Running a react application on NodeJS, React Router. Introduction to Web services and REST API’s , Express Framework Overview, Routing and URL building, Error Handling, Express Middleware, Form Data and File Upload.