UE23CS251A: Digital Design and Computer Organization

This course focuses on the structure, design and operation of a computer system at different levels of abstraction. The digital design part of the course describes low level digital logic building blocks while the computer organization part explains the structure and operation of microprocessors.

Course Objectives:

  • Fundamental (combinational and sequential) building blocks of digital logic circuits.
  • Design of more complex logic circuits such as adders, multipliers and register files.
  • Design of Finite State Machines based on problem specification.
  • Construction, using above logic circuits, of a microprocessor and its functioning at the clock cycle level.

Course Outcomes:

  • Perform analysis of given synchronous digital logic circuit.
  • Design and implement small to medium scale data path logic circuits from given specification.
  • Design and implement control logic using Finite State Machines.
  • Understand hardware level microprocessor operation, providing a foundation for the higher layers and utilize the concepts and techniques learnt to implement complex digital systems.

Course Contents:

U1: Combinational Logic Design

Introduction, Boolean Functions, Truth Tables, The map method Four variable K-map, Product of Sums Simplification, Don’t Care conditions, NAND and NOR implementation, Analysis procedure Design Procedure, Combinational logic-1: Binary Combinational logic: Adder- Subtractor, Decimal Adder, Binary multiplier, Magnitude comparator Decoders Encoders, Multiplexers.

U2: Synchronous Sequential Logic

Introduction, Sequential circuits, Storage elements: Latches, Flip flops, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State reduction and assignment, Design procedure, Registers, Shift register, Ripple counters, Synchronous counters, Other counters.

Unit 3: Basic structure of computers, Standard I/O interface, Interrupts

Computer Types, Functional Units: Input Unit, Memory Unit, ALU, Output Unit, Control Unit, Basic operational concepts, Number representation and arithmetic Operations, Character representation, Memory locations and addresses, Memory Operations, Instruction and instruction sequencing,Addressing modes,Assembly Languages, I/O Operations,Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts,Standard I/O Interfaces

Unit 4: Arithmetic and Control Unit Design

Shift / add Multiplier / Divider, Integer division, Floating point number and operations with architecture. Some fundamental concepts, Execution of a complete instruction, Multiple Bus Organization,Hardwired control, Micro programmed control, Single-cycle, Multi-cycle processor data path and control.