a) Use HTML to create a document that contains the following poem by Sir Walter Scott

My Native Land Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land! The page should be designed such that

(i) The title of the page should be ā€œPoems by Sir Walter Scottā€ (ii) ā€œMy Native Landā€ is displayed as a heading (iii) A line should be displayed below the heading (iv) The remaining content should be displayed in a paragraph (v) The poetā€™s name should be displayed in italics on the page

Underline the tags that you have used.

b) ā€œSpan and div elements have the exact same effect when applied around a body of textā€. Accept or reject this statement with suitable justification.

c) What are the three approaches to applying styles to a given HTML page? Explain each one briefly.


#xyz {
margin: 0;
padding: 3px;
font-family: "Times New Roman", "Times Roman", Roman, serif;
color: #000;

Based on the code snippet above answer the following questions

(i) Which selector is used in the above code? (ii) What does this statement indicate padding: 3px; (iii) Write a single line of HTML code that applies the given style to a heading containing the text ā€œLife is beautifulā€

2.a) Complete the code given below to calculate and display the sum and product of a and b

<script type=ā€text/javascriptā€>
     var a=window.prompt(ā€œEnter first valueā€);
     var b=window.prompt (ā€œEnter second valueā€);
//TODO: Display the sum and product of a and b


Explain substring and substr functions in Javascript. What is the output of the following script ?

<script type="text/javascript">
         var str = "Apples are round, and apples are juicy.";
         document.write("(1,2): "    + str.substr(1,2));
         document.write("<br />(0,10): "   + str.substring(0, 10));
         document.write("<br />(5): "      + str.substring(5));

c) Using Javascriptā€™s Date object write a program to display the current time in AM/PM format.

e.g If it is 2:45 in the afternoon the script should display 2:45 PM

d) Using the built-in sort method of the array object to sort the given array in ascending order and display it.

<script type=ā€text/javascriptā€>
 var a=[100,89,34,22,140,32,67,199,30]
//TODO: sort the array and display it

3.a) Write a program using JavaScript and HTML which contains a button and a div. Each time the button is clicked the value in the div must be increment by 1.

Sample Output:

b) Mr. X designed the following webpage called page.html.

      <title>Your Title Here</title>
     <img src="clouds.jpgā€ id=ā€skyā€>
     <a href="http://somegreatsite.com">Link Name</a> is a link to another nifty site
     <h1 id="name">My name is Alpha</h1>
      <h2 id="fame">I am famous</h2>
       <p id="normal"> This is a normal paragraph! </p>
        <p id="bold">This is a bold paragraph! </p>

Help him write a function change() using only javascript that can make the following changes to the DOM of page.html

i)Create a new div whose id is extra. Add the two paragraph elements to this div

ii)Change the image elements source to ā€œsky.jpgā€

iii) Remove the h2 element from the page

iv) Change the font color of h1 to red.

c) In the context of event handling what does ā€œthisā€ signify?For a given event e what do the following properties signify

i)ctrlKey ii)cancelBubble iii)keyCode iv)type v) screenX

a) What is client-side scripting? List any three limitations of client-side scripting b) ā€œCookies have a number of limitationsā€. How does HTML5 propose to solve these. Explain. c) What are the two types of gradients that can be used on an HTML5 canvas? Complete the given code snippet such that a square with each side 50 pixels is created at coordinates (10,10) on the canvas. Apply a black and white gradient to the square.

var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
var grd=ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,170,0);
//TODO: Apply a black and white gradient to the square.

d) Why is a cache manifest required? What are its three parts?

a) https://www.example.com/login.php?user=mickey&passwd=mini

The URL shown above was displayed in the address bar after submitting an HTML form. (i) Which two methods can be used for submitting a form? (ii) Which method was used to submit the form referred to above. (iii) Write a PHP script to print the two values passed in the query string shown above

b) What type of array is required for representing the data shown below? How are they different from normal arrays? Write a PHP script to create an array called $data containing the data given below and then print the contents of the array.

Hint: You may use for loop or foreach loop for printing the array

K Na Ca Potassium Sodium Calcium

c) What are regular expressions? Name any two functions in PHP used for searching a string.

d) What are cookies? Explain how cookies are created and deleted in PHP.



14CS204 ā€“ Web Technology I

Note: All answers must be precise and to the point.

1.a) Use HTML to create a document that contains the following poem by Robert Frost

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

The page should be designed such that

(i) The title of the page should be ā€œPoems by Robert Frostā€ (ii) ā€œStopping By The Woods On A Snowy Eveningā€ is displayed as a heading (iii) A line should be displayed below the heading (iv) The remaining content should be displayed in a paragraph (v) The poetā€™s name should be displayed in italics on the page

Underline the tags that you have used.

b) ā€œThe only way to apply CSS is by using external stylesheetsā€ Accept or reject this statement with suitable justification.

c) Explain box model with a suitable diagram.


.ids {
margin: 8px;
padding: 0 3px 0 3px;
font-family: "Times New Roman", "Times Roman", Roman, serif;
color: #000;

Based on the code snippet above answer the following questions

(i) Which selector is used in the above code? (ii) What does this statement indicate margin:8px; (iii) Write a single line of HTML code that applies the given style to a paragraph containing the text ā€œWelcome to My Worldā€

  1. a) Complete the code given below to calculate the area and circumference of a circle
<script type=ā€text/javascriptā€>
     var radius=window.prompt(ā€œEnter the valueā€);
//TODO: Display the area and circumference of circle for the given radius

b) Explain substring and substr functions in Javascript. What is the output of the following program?

<script type="text/javascript">
         var str = "Do good to others to feel good about yourself";
         document.write("(3,4): "    + str.substr(3,4));
         document.write("<br />(0,10): "   + str.substring(0, 10));
         document.write("<br />(8): "      + str.substring(8)); 

c) Using Javascriptā€™s Date object write a program to display the current time in AM/PM format. e.g If it is 2:45 in the afternoon the script should display 2:45 PM

d) Using the built-in sort method of the array object sort the given array in descending order.

<script type=ā€text/javascriptā€>
 var a=[100,89,34,22,140,32,67,199,30]
  1. a) Write a program using JavaScript and HTML which contains a button. When the button is clicked a div with a solid black border that is 2 pixels wide should be added to the page.

b) Walt Disney designed the following webpage called page.html.

      <title>Itā€™s a Small World </title>
     <img src="disney.jpgā€ id=ā€goofyā€>
     Welcome to <a href="http://smallworld.com">Small World</a>
     <h1 id="name">Disney Small World</h1>
      <h2 id="fame">Unity in Diversity</h2>
       <p id="rides"> Rides Every Hour </p>
        <p id="shows">Shows in the afternoon </p>

Help him to write a javascript function modify() that can make the following changes to the DOM of page.html

i)Create a new div whose id is smw. Add the two paragraph elements to this div ii)Change the image elements source to ā€œsmall.jpgā€ iii) Remove the h1 element from the page iv) Change the font color of paragraph to red.

c) What is an event object? For a given event e what do the following properties signify

i)altKey ii)cancelBubble iii)keyCode iv)type v) client

a) What is server side scripting? When do we use it? b) Tom is a website designer. He wants to store the userā€™s choice for font color on the userā€™s machine. He does not want to use cookies. What other technology can Tom use? What are the advantages of using this technology?

c) What are the two types of gradients that can be used on an HTML5 canvas? Complete the given code snippet such that a square with each side 50 pixels is created at coordinates (50,50) on the canvas. Apply a green and blue gradient to the square.

var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
var grd=ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,170,0);
//TODO: Apply a blue and green gradient to the square.

d) What is offline browsing? Why is a cache manifest required for offline browsing? What does the cache manifest contain?

  1. a) https://www.example.com/login.php

The URL shown above was displayed in the address bar after submitting an HTML form containing two fields named username and password.

  1. Which two methods can be used for submitting a form?
  2. Which method is used in the form shown above
  3. Write a PHP script to print the two values submitted in the form.

b) What kind of array is required for representing the data shown below? How are they different from normal arrays? Write a PHP script to create an array called $data containing the data given below and then print the contents of the array.

Hint: You may use for loop or foreach loop for printing the array

France Italy Japan Paris Rome Tokyo

c) What are regular expressions? Name any two functions in PHP used for searching a string.

d) With respect to cookies answer the following questions (i) How can they be created? (ii) How are they deleted? (iii) How can you access the values stored in cookies?

UE18CS204 - Web Technologies - I

1.a. How to create tables using HTML? Write HTML code to design the table shown below.

1.b. What is HTTP requests and HTTP response? What are the 4 types of HTTP request methods?

1.c. Using a neat diagram explain CSS box model.

2.a. Write short notes on

  1. Oļ¬„ine Browsing
  2. Web Workers
  3. Hoisting

2.b. Write css rules for the following

  1. A div with ID test has some text in it. The colour of text must change from black to Blue when the mouse cursor moves over the div.

  2. An embedded style that States paragraph that have class ā€œcopperā€ have red colour font.

  3. Add and inline style for the paragraph element given below that indicates that the font colour must be blue


I like to study

2.c. What are the purpose of the let keyword? Explain with examples What is the diļ¬€erence between let and var? Explain with examples

3.a. Display a simple message ā€œWelcome!!ā€ on your demo web page and when the users hovers over the message a pop up should be displayed with the message ā€œWelcome to my web pageā€

3.b. What are events and event handlers? List few event handlers for example.

3.c. What is the use of preventDefault method and use of stopPropagation method? Explain the code

4.a. What is a web server? How does a web server work?

4.b. With respect to Apache conļ¬guration explain the following

  1. Listen
  2. Document root
  3. HTTP authentication

(6.0 Marks)

4.c. How can we achieve basic ļ¬le based authentication in Apache?

(6.0 Marks)

5.a. What is the diļ¬€erence between echo and print? Which function you can use in PHP to open a ļ¬le for reading or writing or for both? Give example for each

(8.0 Marks)

5.b. List and explain the modes of opening a ļ¬le using fopen function.

(8.0 Marks)

5.c. What is AJAX? What are the diļ¬€erent ways to deal with a synchronous code?

(4.0 Marks)

UE19CS204 ā€“ Web Technologies

1 a) Describe the structure of HTTP Request and Response message using an example.


An HTTP request is just a series of lines of text that follow the HTTP protocol. A GET request

might look like this:

This section of text, generated by the userā€™s browser, gets sent across the Internet.

When an origin server receives an HTTP request, it sends an HTTP response:


(2 marks each) A web page has a form for online registration of a Tennis competition.

  • Participant must be able to choose if (s)he has previously participated in the same event

The participants can be adults or children.

in one or more of the years 2019-20 /2018-19/2017-18 The form should provide the controls to accept above mentioned details as well as the personal information like name and gender. The user must be redirected to the server script ā€œ/registrationā€ when he submits the form.

The details he enters must be visible in the address bar of his/her browser

Write the HTML code for the form with suitable form elements and default values.


Following should be present:

<form action=ā€/registrationā€ method=ā€getā€> - 2 marks
  • Radio buttons for adult or child ā€“ 1 mark
  • Check box for previous participation ā€“ 1 mark

Text box for name and radio/text/select for gender ā€“ 1 mark c) With a neat diagram, explain the CSS Box model and its significance.

CSS box model determines the size, position, and properties (color, background, border size, etc.) of each element. Every box is composed of four parts (or areas), defined by their respective edges: the content edge, padding edge, border edge, and margin edge. Every box has a content area and an optional surrounding margin, padding, and border.

(2 + 3 marks)

d) Write a JavaScript function to take a string as input parameter and reverse the case of every alphabet in the string. The function should return the modified string. Ex. changeCase

(ā€œHeLloā€) must return ā€œhElLOā€.


function changeCase(str)
var LOWER = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
var result = [];
  for(var x=0; x<str.length; x++)  {  // 1 mark
    if(UPPER.indexOf(str[x]) !== -1)  {  // Any approach to identify Uppercase ā€“ 1 mark
      result.push(str[x].toLowerCase());  // convert to Lowercase ā€“ 1 mark
    else if(LOWER.indexOf(str[x]) !== -1)  { // Any approach to identify Lowercase ā€“ 1 mark
      result.push(str[x].toUpperCase());  // convert to Uppercase ā€“ 1 mark
    else {
      result.push(str[x]);  //  add to result array/string ā€“ 1 mark
return (result.join(''));


A HTML page contains the following:

  • A table exists with id ā€œtable1ā€
  • A button ā€œAddā€ with id ā€œbtn1ā€
  • A div with id ā€œdisplayā€


Add JavaScript to the webpage for the following specifications

ā€¢ On clicking ā€œAddā€ a new row with 2 cells are added to the table

ā€¢ Populate each cell with a random number (between 1 and 200)

ā€¢ If the cell contains an even number, mouse over should turn the cell green

ā€¢ If the cell contains an odd number, mouse over should turn the cell red.

ā€¢ If you click on a cell, the div will be populated with the cell content

Note: Write only vanilla JavaScript code. Assume that body tag has an onload=ā€init()ā€ handler.


function init(){

document.getElementById(ā€œbtn1ā€).onclick = show; // 1 mark

tbl1 = document.getElementById(ā€œtable1ā€);

dsp = document.getElementById(ā€œdisplayā€);


function show(){


num1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*200)+1;

num2 = Math.floor(Math.random()*200)+1; // 1 mark

tr = document.createElement(ā€œtrā€);

td1 = document.createElement(ā€œtdā€);

td2 = document.createElement(ā€œtdā€);

td1.innerHTML = num1; td2.innerHTML = num2; // 1 mark

tr.appendChild(td1); tr.appendChild(td2); tbl1.appendChild(tr); // 1 mark

td1.onmouseover=change; td2.onmouseover=change; // 1 mark

td1.onclick = display; td2.onclick = display; // 1 mark


function change(event){

if(event.target.innerHTML%2) // 1 mark

event.target.style.backgroundColor = ā€œredā€;


event.target.style.backgroundColor = ā€œgreenā€;


function display(event){

dsp.innerHTML = event.target.innerHTML; // 1 mark


b) Write briefly about the two methods of geolocation object.

Answer: navigator.geolocation object allows you to access geo location through two primary functions:

getCurrentPosition() : Returns the location of the visitor as a one-time snapshot

  • watchPosition() : Returns the location of the visitor every time the location changes
  • Both functions take the following parameters: Success callback function, Error callback


function (optional) and Geo location options object (optional)

(2 marks each)



A web page has the following:

  • A select element with options as Song names and value set to URL of an audio file

(ex. )

  • A button to fetch the audio asynchronously from the server
  • A placeholder ā€œdivā€ where the audio fetched is displayed Write JavaScript function as the click event handler for the button. The function should use the ā€œfetchā€ API to asynchronously fetch the ā€œselectedā€ audio file from the server URL (specified in the value property) and display it in the div element. Note:
  • Write only JavaScript code. HTML code is not required Answer: function fetchdata(){

There should be only one audio element shown at any time

mydiv = document.querySelector(ā€œ#containerā€);

fetch(document.querySelector(ā€œ#input1ā€).value) // 2 marks ā€“ fetch with 2 then


return response.blob(); // 1 mark



aud = document.createElement(ā€œaudioā€);


aud.src=URL.createObjectURL(data); // 1 mark


mydiv.appendChild(aud); // 1 mark





d) Name the methods/events supported by web workers for communication between worker

and main threads. Show how they are used with an example. Answer:

worker.postmessage(ā€œabcā€); //send message to worker thread

worker.onmessage = function(event){ //receive message from worker

Listen for messages, using the onmessage event listener function.

Send messages via the postMessage() function.

console.log(ā€œreceived message: ā€œ+event.data)


(1 + 1 + 1 marks)




3 a) What is the significance of key property? Describe with an example.


ā€¢ When returning an array or list of elements, the individual element should be uniquely


identified by a key property

The key property helps React identify each element in the list for rendering or updating


ā€¢ Not specifying the key property will display a warning on the console:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const listItems = numbers.map((number) ā‡’

  • {number}
  • );


    , document.getElementById('root')


    (3 + 2 marks)

    b) Write a component ā€œPosterā€ that includes the movies poster image, a paragraph showing the

    movie title and another paragraph showing the movie directorā€™s name. An App component

    renders multiple Poster components based on the values of image src, title and director name

    stored in an array of objects. The object members are src, title and director. The values in the

    array should be passed as properties to the Poster component. Note: Use ā€œmapā€ method or

    even a simple for loop to traversing through the array of values.


    Class Poster extends React.Component {


    return (

    // 2 marks




    Class App extends React.Component {


    var mobj = [{ā€¦}]

    // 1 mark (map or any other approach to access all array elements


    {mobj.map((m)ā‡’ {return (<Poster src={m.src} title={m.title}

    director={m.director} />)} // 1 mark






    Explain the following methods of component life cycle:



    o method that is executed after the React Component has been rendered (after the call

    to render method)


    o method that is executed after the React Component has been rendered (after an

    update to the component using setState or new props added)


    o method that is executed before the React Component is unmounted

    (1 mark each)






    In the game of Minecraft, a player can discover and extract raw materials to craft tools and

    items. For example, a player can build an axe using sticks and stones. Write a uncontrolled

    form (using only refs, without states), that has

    • Two input elements to read the number of sticks and stones a player has (initial values set

    to 1)

    • A compute button that displays the number of axes that can be made out of these


    • A placeholder div to display the number of axes Note: For computation use the following logic. Three stones and two sticks can be used to build an axe. Assuming a player has 10 stones and 4 sticks, we have 3 sets of three sticks (10 /
    1. and 2 sets of two stones (4 / 2), hence only 2 (minimum of these numbers) axes can be built. Answer: class Minecraft extends React.Component{



    this.setRef=(el)ā‡’{ // 2 marks (two separate set ref methods accepted)



    else if(el.name==ā€œweightā€)



    this.setOutputRef=(el)ā‡’{this.output=el} // 1 mark




    var axes;

    var stones = parseInt(this.sticknum.value);

    var sticks=this.stonenum.value-0;

    //axes = calculate number of axes // 1 marks

    var stonesset = stones / 3;

    var sticksset = sticks / 2;

    axes = Math.min(stonesset, sticksset);


    this.output.innerHTML=ā€œNumber of Axes: ā€œ+axes; // 1 mark




            <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> // 1 mark
                <label> Stick:</label>
                <input name="stick" defaultValue='1' type="text" ref={this.setRef}/>
                <label> Stone:  </label>
                <input name="stone" defaultValue=ā€™1' type="text" ref={this.setRef}/>
                <input type="submit" value="submit"/>
            <h2 ref={this.setOutputRef}/>
        </div> )}}





    // 2 input fields with defaultValue and ref ā€“ 2 marks (defaultValue missing ā€“ reduce 1 mark)


    4 a) Write in brief the important features of Node JS.


    Following are some of the important features of Node.js:

    ļ‚· Asynchronous and Event Driven āˆ’ All APIs of Node.js library are asynchronous, that is, non-

    blocking. It essentially means a Node.js based server never waits for an API to return data.

    ļ‚· Very Fast āˆ’ Being built on Google Chromeā€™s V8 JavaScript Engine, Node.js library is very fast

    in code execution.

    ļ‚· Single Threaded but Highly Scalable āˆ’ Node.js uses a single threaded model with event

    looping. Event mechanism helps the server to respond in a non-blocking way

    ļ‚· No Buffering āˆ’ Node.js applications never buffer any data. These applications simply output

    the data in chunks.

    ļ‚· License āˆ’ Node.js is released under the MIT license

    (Any 4 ā€“ 1 mark)

    b) Write JavaScript code using NodeJS modules only (not Express JS) to accept a GET request in

    the form of http://server:8000/calc?op=add&op1=10&op2=20 and returns back the calculated

    output, in this case the addition of 10 and 20, which is 30. The operations supported by this

    basic calculator are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


    var url = require(ā€˜urlā€™);

    var http = require(ā€˜httpā€™);

    var qs = require(ā€˜querystringā€™) // 1 mark


    if(request.method=='GET'){  // 1 mark

    var myurl = url.parse(request.url) // 1 mark

    var query = myurl.query; // 1 mark

    var qobj = qs.parse(query); // 1 mark

    var res = 0;

    if(qobj.op==ā€addā€) // 1 mark

    res = qobj.op1 + qobj.op2;

    else if(qobj.op==ā€subā€)

    res = qobj.op1 - qobj.op2;


    response.writeHead(200,{ā€˜Content-typeā€™:ā€˜text/htmlā€™}); // 1 mark

    response.write(res); // 1 mark



    c) What are data streams in Node JS? Name the different types of streams with example of each.


    A stream is an abstract interface for working with streaming data in Node.js. The stream

    module provides an API for implementing the stream interface.

    ļ‚· Writable: streams to which data can be written (for example, response on server).

    ļ‚· Readable: streams from which data can be read (for example, request on server).

    ļ‚· Duplex: streams that are both Readable and Writable (for example, net.Socket).

    ļ‚· Transform: Duplex streams that can modify or transform the data as it is written and read

    (for example, zlib.createDeflate()).

    (2 + 2 marks)





    d) Write Node JS code using the ā€œreadlineā€ module to read every line in ā€œinput.txtā€. Call the

    changeCase(str) function with the line read as the parameter and write the value returned on

    to the console. Note: You do not have to write the changeCase function.


    readline = require(ā€˜readlineā€™); // 1 mark

    rl = readline.createInterface({ // 1 mark





    rl.on(ā€˜lineā€™,function(line){ // 1 mark

    var rev = changeCase(line); // 1 mark



    5 a) What are Express middleware functions? Write briefly about the order of execution of

    middleware functions.


    Middleware functions are functions that have access to the request object (req), the response

    object (res), and the next middleware function in the applicationā€™s request-response cycle.

    These functions are used to modify req and res objects for tasks like parsing request bodies,

    adding response headers, etc.

    The order in which Middleware in Express are executed is the order in which they are

    written/included in your file, given that the route matches also needs to be considered. The

    important thing is to call the next middleware in the order of execution using the ā€œnext();ā€

    (2+1 marks ā€“ reduce 1 mark if next() is not mentioned)

    b) Write server-side script in JavaScript to route requests for GET and POST requests for flight

    details. The details are stored in the mongodb database in the following format.

    {from:ā€BLRā€, to:ā€DELā€, dept:ā€12:25ā€, arrv:ā€14:25ā€, flnum:ā€6E-2428ā€}

    The server script should support the following routes:

    • GET /flights ā€“ return details of all flights
    • GET /flights/:from/:to ā€“ return details of flight between specific airports
    • POST /flights ā€“ save details of a flight and return a success or error message


    app.get(ā€œ/flightsā€, function(req,res){





    app.get(ā€œ/flights/:from/:toā€, function(req,res){






    app.post(ā€œ/flightsā€, function(req,res){



    res.send(ā€œSave Successful!!!ā€œ)


    (2 + 3 + 3 marks)






    Ronaldino, a back end developer, has to create at least 4 -5 Express routes each for the

    resources ā€œplayersā€, ā€œmatchā€ and ā€œteamsā€. Since he is new to Express, he wants suggestions

    on how to structure his JavaScript code. Write an approach that can be taken by him to solve

    this problem.


    He has to use Express Routers to organize the routes in different JS files. And write the routes

    specific to each resource in these files.

    var playersrouter = require(ā€œ./players.jsā€)

    app.use(ā€œ/playersā€, playersrouter);

    var matchrouter = require(ā€œ./match.jsā€)

    app.use(ā€œ/matchā€, matchrouter);

    var teamsrouter = require(ā€œ./teams.jsā€)

    app.use(ā€œ/teamsā€, teamsrouter);

    (1 + 2 marks)

    d) Write a route called ā€œpicsuploadā€ which receives multiple image files in a POST request. The

    route function should save each of them under the ā€œpicsā€ folder in the same directory as the

    JS file. Any error like, no files uploaded or saving files failed should be handled accordingly.

    Note: Write only the server JS code. HTML/client code is not required.


    const express = require(ā€˜expressā€™);

    const fileUpload = require(ā€˜express-fileuploadā€™); // 1 mark

    const app = express();

    // default options

    app.use(fileUpload()); // 1 mark

    app.post(ā€˜/picsuploadā€™, function(req, res) {

    if (!req.files || Object.keys(req.files).length === 0) { // 1 mark

    return res.status(400).send('No files were uploaded.');


    for(var i in req.files){ // 1 mark

    let picFile = req.files[i];

    // Use the mv() method to place the file somewhere on your server

    picFile.mv(ā€˜pics/ā€˜+picFile.name, function(err) { // 1 mark

    if (err)
      return res.status(500).send(err); //1 mark



    res.send(ā€˜Files uploaded!ā€™);





    PES University, Bangalore

    (Established under Karnataka Act No. 16 of 2013)


    August ā€“December 2021: END SEMESTER ASSESSMENT (ESA) B.Tech. III SEMESTER


    Time: 3 Hrs. Answer All Questions Max Marks: 100

    What is HTTP? Explain the structure of HTTP request message.

    Scheme and Solution

    //HTTP:1 Mark

    HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. This is a basis for data

    communication in the internet. The data communication starts with a request

    sent from a client and ends with the response received from a web server.

    //Structure of HTTP and explanation 3M

    ā€¢ HTTP request is a request line, followed by zero or more request



    ā€¢ Request line:


    ā€¢ is HTTP version of request (HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1)

    ā€¢ is typically URL for proxies, URL suffix for servers.

    ā€¢ is either GET, POST, OPTIONS, HEAD, PUT,


    ā€¢ Request Header

    ā€¢ Blank line (CRLF)

    Message Body

    Write a HTML code that outputs the following:



    NOTE: The ā€˜Numberā€™ field is a mandatory field, and takes in only a 10-digit

    number. Also, Submit and Reset buttons do their conventional tasks.

    Scheme and Solution

    My Netflix list


    //form 1 mark with attributes
    //Table 2 mark with proper rows and columns //Name input field 0.5M //textarea 0.5M //Number input field 1 Mark with the required pattern //rowspan 1Mark and check boxes 1mark //radio buttons 1M




    Pick you favourite shows:
    TBBT B99 TO
    Money Heist Masterchef

    Do you watch anime?
    Yes No Sometimes
    Favourite Naruto character: //Menu Item 1M

    //Buttons 1Mark


    What is the output of the following function? Give an explanation regarding the


    var x = 100;

    function num() {

    if (false) {

    var x = 200;





    Scheme and Solution

    Output: //1M


    //explanation 2M

    In this example, we declared x to be 100 globally. Depending on an if statement, x

    could change to 200, but since the condition was false it should not have affected the

    value of x. Instead, x was hoisted to the top of the num() function, and the value

    became undefined.

    Write a code to print ā€œhiā€ at repeated intervals, where the length of the interval

    is the square of the previous interval.

    Scheme and Solution

    //0.5 Marks

    let x = 100

    //2M for function

    function log()




    x = x*x;

    t = setTimeout(log,x)



    //0.5 M

    var t = setTimeout(log,x);



    1. a)

    Consider the following HTML and JavaScript program:






    The page loads and the user clicks on the window object. Whatā€˜s the con-

    sole output?

    The user clicks on the button that says ā€œClick me!ā€ Whatā€™s the console



    Scheme and Solution


    i. Window says hello!

    //3 Marks

    ii. Container says hello!

    Target says hello!
    Window says hello!

    What is Geo Location? Explain the two methods of navigator.geolocation


    Write a program to display your current location on the browser when the

    button ā€œGet Current Positionā€ is clicked as shown below.


    Scheme and Solution

    //1Mark Explanation

    The HTML5 geo location feature lets you find out the geographic coordinates

    (latitude and longitude numbers) of the current location of your websiteā€™s


    //1mark each with one line explanation

    getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition()

    // function getPos, showPosition, error 1Mark each, body 1Mark



    Write jQuery code to perform the following:

    1. For the last paragraph within the div with id ā€œcolortextā€, set the color to green.
    2. On moving the mouse over an h1 element, the text font size should be increased by 5 times
    3. When the first li element with class name ā€œliclassā€ on the page is clicked, it fades out in 2 seconds and then fades in 3 seconds Scheme and Solution //1Mark
    4. $(ā€œdiv#colortext p:lastā€).css(ā€œcolorā€,ā€greenā€) //2 Marks
    5. (ā€œh1ā€).mouseover(function(){ (this).animate({ fontSize: 5em } } // 2 Marks
    6. (ā€œli.liclassā€).click(function(event){ (this).fadeOut(2000,function(){ $(this).fadeIn(5000, function(){}); }); });



    d) What is AJAX? Explain in detail any 3 XHR object properties.



    Scheme and Solution

    //1Mark Explanation

    AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML uses XMLHttpRequest

    object to communicate with servers. It can send and receive information in

    various formats, including JSON, XML, HTML, and text files.

    //3marks any 3 properties of XHR object

    Onreadystatechange: Specifies an event-handling function to be called

    whenever the readyState property of an object changes.

    readyState:An integer property that reports on the status of a request. It can

    have any of these values: 0 = Uninitialized, 1 = Loading, 2 = Loaded, 3 =

    Interactive, and 4 = Completed.

    responseText :The data returned by the server in text format.

    responseXML :The data returned by the server in XML format.

    Status: The HTTP status code returned by the server.

    statusText: The HTTP status text returned by the server.

    a) Create a form (as shown below) using uncontrolled components (references) to

    take 3 inputs: name, age, and number of vaccine doses taken. Also have a

    tag inside the form which displays ā€œUnsafeā€, ā€œAlmost safeā€, ā€œSafeā€ and

    ā€œInvalidā€ for the number of doses being 0, 1, 2 and ā€˜any other numberā€™

    respectively, on submission of the form.





    Scheme and Solution

    Question 3a


    this.statusoutput = null;







    //handleSubmit function call 2M



    if (this.vaccinput.value == 0)


    else if (this.vaccinput.value == 1)

    this.statusoutput.innerHTML=ā€œAlmost Safeā€

    else if (this.vaccinput.value == 2)









    // form elements with onsubmit function call 4M









    ) } } //render the component 1M ReactDOM.render( , document.querySelector("#container") )

    b) Create a class component which will render a H1 and paragraph element apply

    different inline style for H1 and P element created using java script objects (key

    value pair).

    Scheme and Solution

    //2 Marks for creating component and object for style

    //1 mark each for creating elements and rendering the component





    var StyleP={





    return (

    Welcome to PES World!

    Batch of 2020-2021

    )} }

    ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById(ā€œrootā€)



    c) With a neat diagram explain component life cycle.

    Scheme and Solution

    //Diagram :2 Marks


    //Explanation 4 Marks:

    Mounting - Birth of the Component

    Updating- Growing of component

    Unmounting- End of the component

    In the entire lifecycle of a React component, the following methods are used to

    accomplish the functions:

    ā€¢componentWillMount() ā€“ On client and server side this function gets executed

    just before the rendering

    ā€¢componentDidMount() ā€“ After first render it gets executed on the client side

    ā€¢componentWillReceiveProps() ā€“ This function is invoked when the props are

    received from the parent class and another render is not being called.

    ā€¢shouldComponentUpdate() ā€“ This Boolean function returns true or false as per

    situation like if the component needs to be updated then true is returned else

    false is returned

    ā€¢thecomponentWillUpdate() ā€“ It is called when rendering is not being called

    ā€¢componentDidUpdate() ā€“ It is called just after when render function is called

    ā€¢componentwillUnmount() ā€“ When a component gets un-mounted from DOM

    then this function is called.

    a) What are buffers in Node.js? With help of syntax explain any 2 buffer


    Scheme and Solution

    //1 Mark

    Node provides Buffer class which provides instances to store raw data similar

    to an array of integers.

    //Any 2 with explanation: 2 marks each

    Creating buffer

    Syntax: Buffer.alloc(size, fill, encoding)

    Writing to Buffer

    Syntax: buf.write(string[, offset][, length][, encoding])



    Reading from Buffer

    Syntax: buf.toString([encoding][, start][, end])

    Compare Buffer



    Copy Buffer

    Syntax: buf.copy(target[, targetStart[, sourceStart[, sourceEnd]]])





    b) Given a url of the format

    http://localhost:8080/sample.txt?gender=xxxx&halloween_heist=yyyy. Write a

    server code to get all objects from a MongoDB collection that satisfies the

    query. Also include code to ā€œpostā€ one object given in a post request body to

    this collection. Handle errors as well.

    Scheme and Solution

    //2 Marks for importing all modules

    var http = require(ā€˜httpā€™);

    var url = require(ā€˜urlā€™);

    var fs = require(ā€˜fsā€™);

    var qs = require(ā€˜querystringā€™);

    var MongoClient = require(ā€˜mongodbā€™).MongoClient;


    //2 marks for create server and parse URL




    var myurl = url.parse(request.url)

    var query = myurl.query;

    var qobj = qs.parse(query);

    //3 Marks for database connectivity and GET/find the data


    {useUnifiedTopology: true},


    if(err) throw err;

    const db = client.db(ā€˜newdbā€™);



    if (err) throw err;

    response.writeHead(200,{ā€˜Content-typeā€™: ā€˜application/jsonā€™})









    // 4 marks for POST method with error handling

    if(request.method == ā€˜POSTā€™){

    var myurl = url.parse(request.url)

    var pathname = myurl.pathname;

    let body = [];






    body = Buffer.concat(body).toString()


    {useUnifiedTopology: true},


    if(err) throw err;

    const db = client.db(ā€˜newdbā€™);


    function(err, res){

    if (err) throw err;

    console.log(ā€˜document insertedā€™);








    }).listen(8080); //1 Mark

    console.log(ā€˜Server is up and running on http://localhost:8080ā€™);

    c) The following Node.js program uses the Node fs module to read a large file

    twice using two different API calls. When run, the programs print the numbers

    1 through 5 to the console. List the order in which the numbers are printed and

    justify your answer.

    var fs = require(ā€œfsā€);

    fs.readFile(ā€œ./sample.txtā€, function () {


    function Fileread(fileName, readcallback) {

                 var f = fs.readFileSync(fileName);

    Fileread(ā€œ./sample.txtā€, function () {



    Scheme and Solution

    Output: //1 Mark






    //2 Marks for explanation

    The fs.readFile call will call itā€™s done callback later so the first log we get is ā€˜2ā€™.

    Afterwards, Fileread will be called and print ā€˜3ā€™ and then call its readcallback


    which prints ā€˜4ā€™. Execution then continues with ā€˜5ā€™ printed and later the

    fs.readFile callback will fire, printing ā€˜1ā€™;


    1. a) What is RESTful API? Explain any 4 design specification/constraints of REST


    Scheme and Solution

    //1 M Explanation on RESTAPI

    A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming

    interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST

    architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services. REST

    stands for representational state transfer

    //1 Mark each for any 4 design considerations

    Client Server, Scalable, Cacheable, Uniform Interface, Layered System, Code

    on Demand


    b) When doing routing of URLs in ExpressJS, we used routes that contained a

    colon character (e.g. ā€œ/hello/:idā€ ) yet we never included a colon in the

    hierarchical part of a URL we used.



    Explain the purpose of this colon character?

    Describe what would happen if we just deleted the colon from the routes.

    Scheme and Solution

    //2 Marks each



    The colon character indicates that ā€˜idā€™ is a route parameter, i.e., whatever

    the user places in that position in the URL will be a route parameter

    named ā€˜idā€™. Router will attach this parameter to our componentā€™s ā€˜propsā€™

    object so we can display the data associated with this parameter in the



    If we delete the colon, Router will only route /hello/id to our component,

    instead of /hello/anything to our component. Since our component also


    has some dependency on the ā€˜idā€™ component on the ā€˜propsā€™ object, our app may

    not render what is required.

    c) Explain the role of express middleware function. What are the different types

    of middleware an express application can use?

    Scheme and Solution

    //2 reduce 1 mark if next is not mentioned +1 Mark(for any 2 types)

    Middleware functions are functions that have access to the request object (req),

    the response object (res), and the next middleware function in the applicationā€™s

    request-response cycle. These functions are used to modify req and res objects

    for tasks like parsing request bodies, adding response headers, etc.

    ā€¢ Application-level middleware

    ā€¢ Router-level middleware

    ā€¢ Error-handling middleware

    ā€¢ Built-in middleware

    Third-party middleware

    d) Write a program to upload a file to Node.js server using express file upload





    Scheme and Solution

    // 1 mark for importing modules express and express fileupload

    var express=require("express")
    var app= express()
    var fileupload= require("express-fileupload")
    //3 marks for post method
        return res.status(400).send("No file to upload")
        var sampleFile= req.files.sampleFile;
            return req.statusCode(500).send(err)
    //3 Marks for get method and form creation
    retform="<form  action='http://localhost:3000/upload'  method='post'
    encType='multipart/form-data'><input  type='file'  name='sampleFile'/>  <input
    type='submit' value='upload'/></form>";
    //1 Mark
        console.log("Server is up and running")

    11/8/24, 12:20 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE20CS204/UE19CS204 (set- 1)

    PES University, Bengaluru

    (Established under Karnataka Act 16 of 2013)


    UE20CS204 - Web Technologies

    1.a. What is HTTP? Explain the structure of HTTP request message.

    (4.0 Marks)

    Total Marks : 100.0

    1.b. With a neat diagram, explain the CSS Box model and its signiļ¬cance.

    (4.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:20 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE20CS204/UE19CS204 (set- 1)

    1.c. Write Code to get following output using lists and table

    (6.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:20 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE20CS204/UE19CS204 (set- 1)

    1.d. Write code to get following output

    2.a. Write Breiļ¬‚y about the two methods of the geolocation object

    (4.0 Marks)

    (6.0 Marks)



    2.b. What is web worker? Name the methods/events supported by web workers for communication between worker and main threads. Show how they are used with an example.

    (4.0 Marks)

    2.c. Write a script to display below texts in web page and onclick on Call of Duty and Assassins Creed texts the colour of the text should change to red. Popular Games Call of Duty Assassins Creed PUBG

    (6.0 Marks)

    2.d. Write a code to get the following output in browser using html canvas (6.0 Marks)

    3.a. Write a code to get the following output in react using components, Create a class component called Article1 which is having states such as name,color and price if user clicks change color button text red should get changed blue.

    3.b. What is the signiļ¬cance of key property? Describe with an example.

    (4.0 Marks)

    (6.0 Marks)

    3.c. Create a class component which will render a H1 and paragraph element apply diļ¬€erent inline style for H1 and P element created using java script objects (key value pair).

    (6.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:20 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE20CS204/UE19CS204 (set- 1)

    3.d. With a neat diagram explain any 4 component in component life cycle.

    (4.0 Marks)

    4.a. What are buļ¬€ers in Node JS? Write a program to create a buļ¬€er,write data to buļ¬€er and read data from buļ¬€er (4.0 Marks)

    4.b. In a MongoDB database, there is a ā€œcourseā€ collection. From the collection, write queries to do the following:

    • List all documents
    • List documents with code = ā€œUE20CS204ā€
    • List the ļ¬rst document with credits = ā€4ā€

    (3.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:20 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE20CS204/UE19CS204 (set- 1)

    4.c. Write a code in node .js server  to 1.Write data into ļ¬le called input.txt 2.Read data Asynchronously from input.txt handle the error properly

    (6.0 Marks)

    4.d. Write code snippet to connect to a db named ā€œGroceriesā€ on a Mongodb instance running on localhost:27017 and write the following details into the ā€œFruitsā€ collection,insert many documents(at least 5) with details: Fruit-name and price. It should handle errors appropriately. Note: write only the code required to write into the database.

    (7.0 Marks)

    5.a. What is RESTful API? Explain any 4 design speciļ¬cation/constraints of REST API.

    (4.0 Marks)


    11/8/24, 12:20 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE20CS204/UE19CS204 (set- 1)

    5.b. Write a code to collect form data for the library card which has ļ¬elds name,sem,branch and Submit in pug template and include pug template in express code to retrieve the form data.

    (8.0 Marks)

    5.c. MBappe, a back end developer, has to create at least 4 -5 Express routes each for the resources ā€œplayersā€, ā€œmatchā€ and ā€œteamsā€. Since he is new to Express, he wants suggestions on how to structure his JavaScript code. Write an approach that can be taken by him to solve this problem.

    (4.0 Marks)

    5.d. Write a code in express to create a server which have 2 diļ¬€erent route paths like /pes/:branch,/pes/branch/id which returns 3 diļ¬€erent contents when particular route has been entered in browser if user enters following paths server should return following contents

    /pes/:CSEā€”ā†’ branch name is CSE

    /PES/:CSE/:123ā†’id:123 and name :CSE

    (4.0 Marks)




    1 a

    Create a Placement form with the following controls:

    a. A text box to collect the studentā€™s name and SRN

    b. A multiline input field to collect college name and address

    c. A student should give choice to tick their department from a list

    of departments

    i. CSE

    ii. ECE

    iii. MECH


    d. A collection of three radio buttons for Semester option that are

    labelled as follows:

    i. IV

    ii. V


    e. Submit and reset Button



    ā€œThe only way to apply CSS is by using external stylesheetsā€.

    Accept or reject this statement with suitable explanation.

    With suitable diagram explain CSS Box model and its properties

    with example




    Give the difference between JSON and XML.

    Represent the details of three 6th sem students both in JSON and

    XML. Consider the attributes id, name, branch, CGPA

    i) What is jQuery? What are its advantages?

    ii) For the given HTML code write a jQuery code for sliding all divs

    up and down






    iii) Write a jQuery code to add a red border to an image ā€œSample.jpg

    on button click




    i) What would be the output of the following example? Justify your



    var Test=(props)ā‡’


    return (

    Hello World 1

    Hello World 2



    ReactDOM.render(, mountNode)

    ii) Which of the following is used to pass data to a component from

    outside in React.js? Justify your answer

    a. SetState

    b. Render with arguments

    c. Props

    d. PropTypes

    With a neat diagram explain component life cycle.





    Create a complex component that will render 3 stationary item

    images, name of item, price as shown in the sample figure above.

    Create a form input to take the quantity from the user When the

    quantity of the item is entered the total bill amount of the order needs

    to be calculated and displayed at the bottom.

    Add styling using CSS modules in which all class names are scoped

    locally by default.




    i) Is Node.js single threaded? Accept or reject and justify your


    ii) What is Event Emitter in Node.js? What is the use of on and

    emit properties of event emitter?








    Create a simple server (use http request GET method) that will

    allow you to display an HTML file on the browser given the

    pathname. Set default pathname to index.html. Handle errors by

    displaying file not found message



    Imagine you have a MongoDb database ā€œSampledbā€ which has col-

    lection ā€œfacultyā€ with fields faculty_ID, faculty_Name, Dept,

    Designation and contract_type. Write a program to connect to Mon-

    goDB database in Node.js to find data of all faculties who work in

    CSE department.

    Note: Only write Server-Side code

    Brief any 4 design specifications for RESTful APIs. What are the

    HTTP methods supported by REST?

    Write a program to upload a file to Node.js server using express file

    upload library.

    What are Middleware Functions and what are they used for?

    Explain Router-level middleware with an example.




    PES University, Bengaluru

    (Established under Karnataka Act 16 of 2013)


    UE20CS204 - Web Technologies

    Total Marks : 100.0

    1.a. Create a Placement form with the following controls:

    a. A text box to collect the studentā€™s name and SRN

    b. A multiline input ļ¬eld to collect college name and address

    c. A student should give choice to tick their department from a list of departments

        i. CSE

        ii. ECE

        iii. MECH

    d. A collection of three radio buttons for Semester option that are labelled as


        i. IV

        ii. V


    e. Submit and reset Button

    (8.0 Marks)

    1.b. Describe the structure of HTTP Request and Response message using an example.

    (6.0 Marks)

    1.c. With a neat diagram, explain the CSS Box model and its signiļ¬cance.

    (6.0 Marks)

    2.a. What is Geo Location? Explain the two methods of navigator.geolocation object? Write a program to display your current location on the browser when the button ā€œGet Current Positionā€ is clicked as shown below.

    (7.0 Marks)

    2.b. Give the diļ¬€erence between JSON and XML.

    Represent the details of three 6th sem students both in JSON and XML. Consider

    the attributes id, name, branch, CGPA

    (6.0 Marks)

    2.c. A HTML page contains the following:     - A table exists with id ā€œtable1ā€     - A button ā€œAddā€ with id ā€œbtn1ā€     - A div with id ā€œdisplayā€ Add JavaScript to the webpage for the following speciļ¬cations

    On clicking ā€œAddā€ a new row with 2 cells are added to the table

    Populate each cell with a random number (between 1 and 200)

    If the cell contains an even number, mouse over should turn the cell green

    If the cell contains an odd number, mouse over should turn the cell red.

    If you click on a cell, the div will be populated with the cell content

    Note: Write only vanilla JavaScript code. Assume that body tag has an

    onload=ā€init()ā€ handler.

    (7.0 Marks)

    3.a. With a neat diagram explain component life cycle.

    (8.0 Marks)

    3.b. Create a class component which will render a H1 and paragraph element apply diļ¬€erent inline style for H1 and P element created using java script objects (key value pair).

    (7.0 Marks)

    3.c. What is the signiļ¬cance of key property? Describe with an example.

    (5.0 Marks)

    4.a. Write in brief the important features of Node JS.

    (6.0 Marks)

    4.b. Write JavaScript code using NodeJS modules only (not Express JS) to accept a GET request in the form of http://server:8000/calc?op=add&op1=10&op2=20 and returns back the calculated output, in this case the addition of 10 and 20, which is 30. The operations supported by this basic calculator are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    (8.0 Marks)

    4.c. What are buļ¬€ers in Node.js? With help of syntax explain any 2 buļ¬€er operations.

    (6.0 Marks)

    5.a. What is RESTful API? Explain any 4 design speciļ¬cation/constraints of REST API. (6.0 Marks)

    5.b. What are Middleware Functions and what are they used for? Explain Router- level middleware with an example.

    (8.0 Marks)

    5.c. When doing routing of URLs in ExpressJS, we used routes that contained a colon character (e.g. ā€œ/hello/:idā€ ) yet we never included a colon in the hierarchical part of a URL we used.

    (i) Explain the purpose of this colon character?

    (ii) Describe what would happen if we just deleted the colon from the routes.

    (6.0 Marks)

    11/8/24, 12:39 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE21CS242A (set- 1)

    PES University, Bengaluru

    (Established under Karnataka Act 16 of 2013)


    UE21CS242A - Web Technologies

    1.a. What are the 3 ways to include  CSS styling in CSS. explain with examples

    (6.0 Marks)

    Total Marks : 100.0

    1.b. Write the code to get the following output using tables



    (6.0 Marks)

    11/8/24, 12:39 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE21CS242A (set- 1)

    1.c. Write a code to get the following code

    2.a. What are the diļ¬€erent ways to get an element from DOM? Explain any 3 with an example

    (5.0 Marks)

    (8.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:39 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE21CS242A (set- 1)

    2.b. Write a JavaScript program to calculate multiplication and division of two numbers to get output as below.

    (6.0 Marks)

    2.c. Write jquery code to get the following output

    when user clicks Hide button text should hide when user clicks show

    button text should get displayed.

    (5.0 Marks)

    2.d. Write diļ¬€erence between XML and JSON

    (4.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:39 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE21CS242A (set- 1)

    3.a. Explain the following methods of component life cycle: -render()

    • componentDidMount
    • componentDidUpdate
    • componentWillUnmount

    (4.0 Marks)

    3.b. write diļ¬€erence between Stateless and Stateful components in React

    (4.0 Marks)

    3.c. Write a code to get the following output in browser using React map and keys

    (6.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:39 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE21CS242A (set- 1)

    3.d. Write a code to get the following output in react using components, Create a class component called Article1 which is having states such as name,color and price if user clicks change color button text red should get changed blue.

    4.a. Write in Brief important features of Node.JS

    (4.0 Marks)

    (6.0 Marks)

    4.b. What are buļ¬€ers in Node JS? Write a program to create a buļ¬€er,write data to buļ¬€er and read data from buļ¬€er (4.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:39 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE21CS242A (set- 1)

    4.c. Write user deļ¬ned module in Node js server called calc.js which contains diļ¬€erent 3 functions such as 1..to return addition of 2 numbers 2.to return subtraction of 2 numbers 3.to return Multiplication of 2 numbers

    write a code to include calc.js in node.js ļ¬le and print all result in console

    (6.0 Marks)

    4.d. Write code snippet to connect to a db named ā€œGroceriesā€ on a Mongodb instance running on localhost:27017 and write the following details into the ā€œFruitsā€ collection,insert many documents(at least 5) with details: Fruit-name and price. It should handle errors appropriately. Note: write only the code required to write into the database.

    (6.0 Marks)

    5.a. Explain the following 1.What is Web Service? 2.Why Web Services  are useful? 3.What is REST API?

    (4.0 Marks)



    11/8/24, 12:39 PM

    ESA - DEC 2023 - UE21CS242A (set- 1)

    5.b. what are middleware functions? Write brieļ¬‚y about the order of execution of middleware functions

    (4.0 Marks)

    5.c. Write a code in express to create a server which have 3 diļ¬€erent route paths like /pes,/pes/:branch,/pes/branch/id which returns 3 diļ¬€erent contents when particular route has been entered in browser if user enters following paths server should return following contents  /pes ā€”ā†’Hello PES should be returned from the server /pes/:CSEā€”ā†’ branch name is CSE /PES/:CSE/:123ā†’id:123 and name :CSE

    (6.0 Marks)

    5.d. Write a route called ā€œpicsuploadā€ which receives multiple image ļ¬les in a POST request. The route function should save each of them under the ā€œpicsā€ folder in the same directory as the JS ļ¬le. Any error like, no ļ¬les uploaded or saving ļ¬les failed should be handled accordingly. Note: Write only the server JS code. HTML/client code is not required.

    (6.0 Marks)



    PES University, Bengaluru

    (Established under Karnataka Act 16 of 2013)


    UE21CS242A - Web Technologies

    1.a. What is a protocol? Diļ¬€erentiate between HTTP and HTTPs

    (4.0 Marks)

    Total Marks : 100.0

    1.b. Explain the usage of checkbox and radio button in forms with example.

    (6.0 Marks)

    1.c. Create a table as shown in ļ¬gure below with borders and caption as ā€œStudent Detailsā€

    (6.0 Marks)

    1.d. Mention the steps required to add a hyperlink to an image

    (4.0 Marks)

    2.a. What is Event bubbling in DOM ?

    (4.0 Marks)

    2.b. Give an example for built in object in JavaScript.

    (4.0 Marks)

    2.c. Explain JQuery selectors.

    (6.0 Marks)

    2.d. Explain following HTML New tags with an example:

    1. Audio and Video tag
    2. Progress Bar

    3.a. Give an example for complex components in React.

    (6.0 Marks)

    (4.0 Marks)

    3.b. Deļ¬ne Refs wrt React with an example.

    (3.0 Marks)

    3.c. Write a note on stateless components

    (3.0 Marks)

    3.d. Explain 3 phases of Component Lifecycle.

    (6.0 Marks)

    3.e. Create a class component which will render a H1 and paragraph element apply diļ¬€erent inline style for H1 and P element created using java script objects (key value pair).

    (4.0 Marks)

    4.a. Write a code snippet that reads from a ļ¬le ā€œtest.txtā€ and writes the ļ¬rst 20 characters to the ļ¬le ā€œtest20.txtā€ (Hint: You can use string methods). The code must appropriately handle the errors also. (6.0 Marks)

    4.b. What are the diļ¬€erent kinds of events that can be ļ¬red by streams?

    (4.0 Marks)

    4.c. Diļ¬€erentiate between update and save query in MongoDB.

    (4.0 Marks)

    4.d. Create a MongoDB database Company that has a collection Employee (name, ssn, age, salary etc). Write a Server code to Insert the documents and retrieve the same.

    (6.0 Marks)

    5.a. What is RESTful API? Explain design speciļ¬cations of RESTful API.

    (4.0 Marks)

    5.b. Explain the role of express middleware function with an example

    (5.0 Marks)

    5.c. How error handling is achieved in ExpressJS

    (5.0 Marks)

    5.d. Explain how routing can be achieved in ExpressJS with the help of GET method

    (6.0 Marks)

    PES University, Bengaluru

    (Established under Karnataka Act 16 of 2013)


    UE21CS242A - Web Technologies

    1.a. What is HTTP? Explain the structure of HTTP request message.

    (4.0 Marks)

    Total Marks : 100.0

    1.b. Create an HTML form with the following controls:

    1.  A text box to collect the userā€™s name
    2.  A multiline input ļ¬eld to collect userā€™s address
    3.  Three checkboxes, one each for the following items:
    4. wireless mouse
    5.  Mobile Charger
    6. USB
    7.  A collection of three radio buttons for Payment option that are labelled as


    1.  Net Banking
    2.  Google Pay
    3.  Cash on Delivery
    4.  Submit and reset Button

    1.c. What are the 3 ways of including CSS on an HTML page? Give Example

    (6.0 Marks)

    (7.0 Marks)

    1.d. Explain the concept of hoisting in JavaScript? How can we avoid hoisting in Java Script? (3.0 Marks)

    2.a. Create a HTML form with 2 input ļ¬leds and 2 buttons invoke click event on the buttons to calculate multiplication and division of two numbers by taking form input from user.

    (6.0 Marks)

    2.b. Write jQuery code to perform the following:

    1. For the last paragraph within the div with id ā€œcolortextā€, set the color to yellow.
    2. On moving the mouse over an h1 element, the text font size should be increased by 3 times
    3. When the ļ¬rst li element with class name ā€œliclassā€ on the page is clicked, it fades out in 2 seconds and then fades in 3 seconds

    (6.0 Marks)

    2.c. Explain event.PreventDefault, event.stopPropogation with example

    (4.0 Marks)

    2.d. What are diļ¬€erent ways through which we can access the DOM elements? Give any four with example (4.0 Marks)

    3.a. With a neat diagram explain component life cycle.

    (6.0 Marks)

    3.b. Given an array of names of 3 fruits  of your choice, render an unordered list with each fruit name as a list item.

    (4.0 Marks)

    3.c. What is the diļ¬€erence between DOM Events and Synthetic Events. Give example?

    (4.0 Marks)

    3.d. List out the diļ¬€erences between stateful and stateless components

    (6.0 Marks)

    4.a. What are buļ¬€ers in Node.js? With help of syntax explain any 2 buļ¬€er operations

    (5.0 Marks)

    4.b. Explain File system Module in NodeJS with an example

    (6.0 Marks)

    4.c. Imagine you have a MongoDb database ā€œmyDBā€ which has collection ā€œstudentsā€ with ļ¬elds student_ID, student_Name,Semester, Department and Contact_no. Write a program to connect to MongoDB database in Node.js to ļ¬nd data of all students who study in CSE department. Note: Only write Server Side code

    (5.0 Marks)

    4.d. Create a module that calculates the area of a circle and circumference of a circle. Give the radius, export the module and print the area of circle and circumference of a circle on the console.

    (4.0 Marks)

    5.a. What is RESTful API? Explain any 4 design speciļ¬cation/constraints of REST API. (4.0 Marks)

    5.b. Explain the role of express middleware function. What are the diļ¬€erent types of middleware an express application can use?

    (6.0 Marks)

    5.c. Write a program to upload a ļ¬le under the upload folder in the same directory as the JS ļ¬le with proper error handling. Note: Write only the server JS code. HTML/client code is not required.

    (6.0 Marks)

    5.d. Explain Error handling in ExpressJS

    (4.0 Marks)

    PES University, Bengaluru

    (Established under Karnataka Act 16 of 2013)


    UE21CS242A - Web Technologies

    1.a. What is HTTP? Explain the structure of HTTP request message.

    (5.0 Marks)

    Total Marks : 100.0

    1.b. Write a HTML code that outputs the following:

    NOTE: The ā€˜Numberā€™ ļ¬eld is a mandatory ļ¬eld, and takes in only a 10-digit number.

    Also, Submit and Reset buttons do their conventional tasks.

    (10.0 Marks)

    1.c. The only way to apply CSS is by using external stylesheetsā€. Accept or reject this statement with suitable explanation. (5.0 Marks)

    2.a. Write brieļ¬‚y about the two methods of geolocation object.

    (4.0 Marks)

    2.b. A HTML page contains the following:     - A table exists with id ā€œtable1ā€     - A button ā€œAddā€ with id ā€œbtn1ā€     - A div with id ā€œdisplayā€ Add JavaScript to the webpage for the following speciļ¬cations     ā€¢ On clicking ā€œAddā€ a new row with 2 cells are added to the table     ā€¢ Populate each cell with a random number (between 1 and 200)     ā€¢ If the cell contains an even number, mouse over should turn the cell green     ā€¢ If the cell contains an odd number, mouse over should turn the cell red.     ā€¢ If you click on a cell, the div will be populated with the cell content Note: Write only vanilla JavaScript code. Assume that body tag has an onload=ā€init()ā€ handler.

    (10.0 Marks)

    2.c. Write jQuery code to perform the following:

    1. For the last paragraph within the div with id ā€œcolortextā€, set the color to green.
    2. On moving the mouse over an h1 element, the text font size should be increased by 5 times
    3. When the ļ¬rst li element with class name ā€œliclassā€ on the page is clicked, it fades out in 2 seconds and then fades in 3 seconds

    (6.0 Marks)

    3.a. Explain the following methods of component life cycle:

    • componentDidMount
    • componentDidUpdate
    • componentWillUnmount

    (6.0 Marks)

    3.b. Create a class component which will render a H1 and paragraph element apply diļ¬€erent inline style for H1 and P element created using java script objects (key value pair).

    (6.0 Marks)

    3.c. i) What would be the output of the following example? Justify your answer

    var Test=(props)ā‡’

    return (
    Hello World 1
    Hello World 2
    ReactDOM.render(<Test/>, mountNode)

    ii) Which of the following is used to pass data to a component from outside in

    React.js? Justify your answer

    a. SetState

    b. Render with arguments

    c. Props

    d. PropTypes

    (6.0 Marks)

    3.d. What is the signiļ¬cance of key property?

    (2.0 Marks)

    4.a. Develop a basic server using the HTTP GET method that serves HTML ļ¬les based on the provided pathname. If no pathname is provided, the server should default to serving ā€˜index.htmlā€™. Additionally, implement error handling to display a ā€˜File Not Foundā€™ message if the requested ļ¬le is not found.

    (10.0 Marks)

    4.b. Write JavaScript code using Node.js modules exclusively (without Express.js) to handle a GET request in the format http://server:8000/calc? op=add&op1=10&op2=20. The server should perform the speciļ¬ed arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) on the two provided operands and return the result as the response. For instance, if the operation is ā€˜addā€™ and the operands are 10 and 20, the server should return the result of adding them, which is 30. (10.0 Marks)

    5.a. What is RESTful API? Explain any 4 design speciļ¬cation/constraints of REST API. (6.0 Marks)

    5.b. Write a program to upload a ļ¬le to Node.js server using express ļ¬le upload library.

    (6.0 Marks)

    5.c. Develop a server-side JavaScript script to handle routing for GET and POST requests related to ļ¬‚ight details. Flight details are stored in a MongoDB database in the following structure:

    {from:ā€BLRā€, to:ā€DELā€, dept:ā€12:25ā€, arrv:ā€14:25ā€, ļ¬‚num:ā€6E-2428ā€}

    The server script should support the following routes:

    • GET /ļ¬‚ights ā€“ return details of all ļ¬‚ights
    • GET /ļ¬‚ights/:from/:to ā€“ return details of ļ¬‚ight between speciļ¬c airports
    • POST /ļ¬‚ights ā€“ save details of a ļ¬‚ight and return a success or error message

    (8.0 Marks)

    UE22CS242A - Web Technologies

    1.a. What is HTTP? Explain the structure of HTTP request message. (6.0 Marks)

    1.b. Create a Placement form with the following controls: (10.0 Marks)

    a. A text box to collect the studentā€™s name and SRN b. A multiline input ļ¬eld to collect college name and address c. A student should give choice to tick their department from a list of departments     i. CSE     ii. ECE     iii. MECH d. A collection of three radio buttons for Semester option that are labelled as follows:     i. IV     ii. V     iii.VI e. Submit and reset Button

    1.c. Describe the structure of HTTP Request and Response message using an example. (5.0 Marks)

    1.d. With a neat diagram, explain the CSS Box model and its signiļ¬cance. (4.0 Marks)

    2.a. What is Geo Location? Explain the two methods of navigator.geolocation object? Write a program to display your current location on the browser when the button ā€œGet Current Positionā€ is clicked as shown below. (10.0 Marks)

    2.b. What is AJAX? Explain in detail any 3 XHR object properties. (6.0 Marks)

    2.c. Give the diļ¬€erence between JSON and XML.

    Represent the details of three 6th sem students both in JSON and XML. Consider the attributes id, name, branch, CGPA (9.0 Marks)

    3.a. Create a simple server (use http request GET method) that will allow you to display an HTML ļ¬le on the browser given the pathname. Set default pathname to index.html. Handle errors by displaying ļ¬le not found message (10.0 Marks)

    3.b. With a neat diagram explain component life cycle. (8.0 Marks)

    3.c. What is the signiļ¬cance of key property? Describe with an example. (7.0 Marks)

    4.a. What is RESTful API? Explain any 4 design speciļ¬cation/constraints of REST API. (6.0 Marks)

    4.b. Write server-side script in JavaScript to route requests for GET and POST requests for ļ¬‚ight details. The details are stored in the mongodb database in the following format. (10.0 Marks)

    {from:ā€BLRā€, to:ā€DELā€, dept:ā€12:25ā€, arrv:ā€14:25ā€, ļ¬‚num:ā€6E-2428ā€} The server script should support the following routes:     - GET /ļ¬‚ights ā€“ return details of all ļ¬‚ights     - GET /ļ¬‚ights/:from/:to ā€“ return details of ļ¬‚ight between speciļ¬c airports     - POST /ļ¬‚ights ā€“ save details of a ļ¬‚ight and return a success or error message

    4.c. Explain the role of express middleware function. What are the diļ¬€erent types of middleware an express application can use? (4.0 Marks)

    4.d. Write a program to upload a ļ¬le to Node.js server using express ļ¬le upload library. (5.0 Marks)