Computer Architecture

The specifications around which a computer’s organizational layout is defined.

  • Microcontroller: Embedded all in one device. Specific tasks
  • Microprocessor: Processor > memory / timer. More generic.
fixed len: ‘32’ onlyvariable len: 32, 64 bit
multiple reg setsingle reg set
single cyclemulti cycle
hardware controlmicroprogram control
highly pipelinedless pipelining
only LOAD STOREmany memory instructions


Advanced RISC Machine. It’s a family of instruction set architectures (ISAs) for computer processors. ARM processors are used in a variety of devices, including mobile phones, portable media players, and GPS navigation systems.

Features of ARM

  1. Conditional Instrutctions
  2. Load / Save Architecture
  3. 32 bit width
  4. A general shift/ALU op in a single clock-cycle
  5. 3 addr instruction format


  1. Moving data from one place to another: A common misconception is most time goes in (ALU work)
  2. Used to calc address/data of where the program is stored (1).
  3. The RISC compiler bridges the gaps, We should also design a good ISA
Data movement43%
Control Flow (branching)23%

Instead, we can start a new fetch phase after the first decode is in progress: 3-Stage Pipeline

one byone
  1. Concurrency: via Pipelining
  2. Caching: To reduce average time for frequently used data
  3. Super Scaling HPCA

ARM Instructions

  1. Shortform: ADD, SUB Condition (modifier): EQ, EG, MI, GT, LE
  2. {S} optional suffix: Sets N, O, C, V, Z
  3. {Rd}: Reg Destination
  4. Operand 1 and 2
    1. Either register or immediate value
    2. Flexible: Can be immediate value or a register with optional shift

They can be classified as:

  1. Data Proc: MOV, ADD, SUB
  2. Data Transfer: LDR, STR
  3. Control Flow: B, BL, BEQ, BGT

Program Structure

Addr | Instr, Data
set	 | .text
by 	 | ADD <instr>
proc    |
	 | .data
	 | var <x>
	 | .end

7 ARM modes


Register Windows

  • Large number of registers
  • Processor entry / exit moved to visible windows to give each procedure access to new registers.
  • Saves state on stack, and then branch
  • This reduces traffic b/w processor > memory

Delayed Branches

They use delayed branches so it doesn’t interrupt the smooth flow as we know a branch can result in T/F. But it isn’t great for super-scalar processors.

Status Registers (SR)

The state of CSPR SPSR on every transition

  • N: prev was -ve
  • Z: produces 0
  • C: carry out
  • V: prev was signed bit


I = 1, disables IRQ F = 1, disables FIQ T bit: (arch with thumb mode only) T= 0 (arm state) T = 1 (thumb state)

Thumb Mode: 16 bit

  • Only the reg: r0-7 are used
  • narrow data bus improves perf from memory
  • subset of functionality of the ARM instruction set

Memory System

  1. Little Endian
  2. Big Endian
  • 8 bit signed/unsigned
  • 16 bit signed/unsigned: aligned on 2 byte memory
  • 1 word signed/unsigned. aligned on 4 byte memory
  • A word in ARM is 32 bit


  • LOAD: memory value reg
  • STORE: reg memory


STORE [R1][R2] This is not allowed

Barrel Shifter

The barrel shifter in ARM assembly can be used to perform efficient multiplication by powers of two, sums, and differences.

  1. Multiplying by:
MOV Ra, Ra, LSL #n 
  1. Multiplying by: 2n + 1 Ra = Ra + (Ra << n)
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #n
  1. Multiplying by 2n - 1 Ra = (Ra << n) - Ra
RSB Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #n

Cross Bar Switch

Multiplying by 6

We can calculate 6 * Ra as:

  • Multiply Ra by 2 using MOV Ra, Ra, LSL #1.
  • Multiply Ra by 3 (which is 2 * 1 + 1) using ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1.
MOV Ra, Ra, LSL #1        ; Ra = Ra * 2
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra + Ra * 2 = Ra * 3
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra + Ra * 3 = Ra * 6

Multiplying by 45

We can calculate 45 * Ra as:

  • Multiply Ra by 2 using MOV Ra, Ra, LSL #1.
  • Multiply Ra by 22 (which is 2 * 11) using ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1.
  • Add Ra to Ra * 22 using ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1.
  • Add Ra to Ra * 44 to get Ra * 45.
MOV Ra, Ra, LSL #1        ; Ra = Ra * 2
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra + Ra * 2 = Ra * 3
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra + Ra * 3 = Ra * 6
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra + Ra * 6 = Ra * 12
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra + Ra * 12 = Ra * 24
ADD Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra + Ra * 24 = Ra * 48
RSB Ra, Ra, Ra, LSL #1    ; Ra = Ra * 48 - Ra = Ra * 45


MOV  R0, R2, LSL #2 @ R0:=R2<<2
                    @ R2 unchanged
Example: 00 0011 0000
Before R2=0x00000030
After  R0=0x000000C0

MOV  R0, R2, LSR #2 @ R0:=R2>>2
                    @ R2 unchanged
Example: 00 0011 0000
Before R2=0x00000030
After  R0=0x0000000C

ASR (preserves the MSB)

MOV  R0, R2, ASR #2 @ R0:=R2>>2
                    @ R2 unchanged
Example: 1010 00 0011 0000
Before R2=0xA0000030
After  R0=0xE800000C


MOV  R0, R2, ROR #2 @ R0:=R2 rotate
                    @ R2 unchanged
Example: 00 0011 0001
Before R2=0x00000031
After  R0=0x4000000C

MOV  R0, R2, RRX    @ R0:=R2 rotate
                    @ R2 unchanged
Example: 00 0011 0001
Before R2=0x00000031, C=1
After  R0=0x80000018, C=1


Shifted Register Operands

It is possible to use a register to specify the number of bits to be shifted; only the bottom 8 bits are significant.

@ array index calc
ADD R0, R1, R2, LSL R3 @ R0 := R1+R2*2^R3
@ fast mult R2 = 35 * R0
ADD R0, R0, R0, LSL #2 @R0` = 5xR0
RSB R2, R0, R0, LSL #3 @R2 = 7xR0`


C to ASM

  1. A = B + C; ADD R0, R1, R2 ; A = B + C
  2. D = A – C; “RSB R3, R2, R0 ; D = A - C`
  3. F = (G + H) – (I + J) use the register R0 to R4 as operands  F to J respectively.
ADD R5, R1, R2   ; R5 = G + H
ADD R6, R3, R4   ; R6 = I + J
SUB R0, R5, R6   ; F = (G + H) - (I + J)
  1. G  =  H  +  A [10].
LDR R3, [R2, #40] ; Load A[10] into R3 (40 bytes offset)
ADD R0, R1, R3 ; G = H + A[10]`

Branch Instructions & Addressing Modes

Syntax: B{<cond>} Label
		BL{<cond>} Label
        BX{<cond>} Rm
        BLX{<cond>} Rm

Flow control instructions

BBranchProgram Counter = Label
BLBranch & Link1: PC will be copied to R14 the Link Register (LR) before branch is taken.

2: Program Counter = Label
BXBranch ExchangeUsed for changing ARM to Thumb mode or from Thumb mode to ARM mode.
BLXBranch Exchange with link^^

Branch Instruction- (Unconditional)

B  label
label: ...

Conditional Branch Instruction

MOV  R0, #0
loop: ...
	ADD  R0, R0, #1
	CMP  R0, #10
	BNE  loop

Ex: Add 2 numbers A,B

LDR: Memory Reg STR: Reg Memory

.DATA; // declare all vars or memory locations
	B:  .WORD 0x11111
	C:  .WORD 0xC3413
LDR R5, [R1]
LDR R6, [R2]
ADD R7, R5, R6
STR R7, [R3]

Ex: Sum of N numbers

.DATA; // declare all vars or memory locations
	A:  .WORD 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
  SUM:  .WORD 0
LDR R1,=A   ;
LDR R2,=SUM ; 
MOV R4,#0   ; INITIALISATION (move by a word)
MOV R5,#1   ; COUNT register
L1: LDR R3, [R1]
	ADD R4,R4,R3     ; Add next element in the array.
	ADD R1, R1, #4   ; address to the next data
	ADD R5, R5, #1    ; increment the count register
	CMP R5, #11        ; Check whether all numbers are added
	BNE L1                   ; Else branch to L1 location
	STR R4,[R2]           ; store the  result in location SUM.
	SWI 0X011             ; logical end of the program.


LDR R1, =A    // Load address of A into R1
LDR R2, [R1]  // Load value at address A into R2

If A is a label in memory, R1 will hold the memory address of A,

not the value stored at A.

Addressing Half Words

Program to find the sum of N numbers using half word

  A:  .HWORD   0x10,0x20,0x30,0x40,0x50,0x60,0x70, 0x80,0x90, 0x0100
  SUM:  .WORD 00
	LDR R1,=A
	MOV R5,#1   ;COUNT
L1: LDRH R3,[R1]
	ADD R4,R4,R3
	ADD R1,R1,#2
	ADD R5,R5,#1
	CMP R5, #11
	STRH R4, [R2]
	SWI 0X011

Byte Data

Program to find the sum of N numbers using Byte Data

  A: .BYTE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
SUM: .word 0
	LDR R1,=A
	MOV R5,#1   ;COUNT
L1: LDRB R3,[R1]
	ADD R4,R4,R3
	ADD R1,R1,#1
	ADD R5,R5,#1
	CMP R5, #11
	STRB R4,[R2]
	SWI 0X011

Addressing memory locations

  • Memory is addressed by a register and an offset. There are 3 ways to offset!
LDR  R0, [R1] @ mem[R1]


LDR  R0,[R1,#4] @ mem[R1+4]


LDR  R0,[R1,R2] @ mem[R1+R2]

Scaled Register              

LDR  R0,[R1,R2,LSL #2] @ mem[R1+4*R2]

Addressing Modes

Preindexing or Preindexing without writeback


LDR  R0, [R1, R2]  @ R0=mem[R1+R2]
                   @ R1 unchanged
      A:   .WORD 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
      SUM: .WORD 0
	LDR R1,=A
	MOV R5,#1   ; COUNT register
L1: LDR R3, [R1, #4]
	ADD R4,R4,R3          ; Add next element in the array.
	ADD R1,R1,#4          ; useless 
	ADD R5, R5, #1        ; increment the count register
	CMP R5, #11           ; Check whether all numbers are added
	BNE L1                ; Else branch to L1 location
	STR R4,[R2]           ; store the  result in location SUM.
	SWI 0X011             ; logical end of the program.

Preindexing with Writeback  or  Autoindexing


LDR  R0, [R1, R2]! @ R0=mem[R1+R2]
                   @ R1=R1+R2
	A:  .WORD 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
    SUM:  .WORD 0
	LDR R1,=A
	MOV R5,#1   ; COUNT register
L1: LDR R3, [R1,#4]!
	ADD R4,R4,R3          ; Add next element in the array.
	ADD R5, R5, #1        ; increment the count register
	CMP R5, #11           ; Check whether all numbers are added
	BNE L1                ; Else branch to L1 location
	STR R4,[R2]           ; store the  result in location SUM.
	SWI 0X011             ; logical end of the program.

Post indexing


LDR  R0, [R1], R2  @ R0=mem[R1]
                   @ R1=R1+R2

Load Multiple

!write back


Block Transfer Instruction: LDM