Understanding Persistent and Non-persistent HTTP Connections
UE23CS252B: Lab_2
Name: Nathan Matthew Paul SRN: PES2UG23CS368 Section: 4F
Create a web page with 10 embedded images. Each image should be of minimum 2 MB size. Configure your browser (Firefox) with following settings (each setting requires repeat of experiment).
- Non persistent connection
- 2 persistent connections
- 4 persistent connections
Images (client)
No Persist
max limit: 2
max limit: 4
Trial No | Start Time | End Time | Diff |
P0 (no persist) | 0.001090967 | 0.250237750 | 0.249146783 |
P2 | 0.016769327 | 0.240196479 | 0.223427152 |
P4 | 0.020381928 | 0.110621473 | 0.090239545 |
As the limit of maximum persistent connections increases, the time taken to load the images on the client reduces. For 10 images, the best configuration is 4 persistent connections, as it achieves the fastest load time while utilizing efficient HTTP connection management.